Southport Fiberglass Pool Model

The Southport fiberglass pool comes in your choice of seven colors. Southport is a beautiful suburb near the midpoint of the Gold Coast, Australia, and the inspiration for this freeform in-ground pool design. The name Southport comes from the fact that in 1875 the location was the southernmost port of the colony of Queensland. Today, Southport is a modern business and entertainment district that has become a very popular tourist destination. Your Southport getaway is bound to a popular spot as well!

southport fiberglass swimming pool
  • Length 28′
  • Width 14′ 1″
  • Shallow 3′ 7″
  • Deep 6′
  • Deep end ledge and stairs
  • Wide swim lane
  • Generous entry steps in a textured finish
  • Safety ledge around the perimeter of the pool